Shaik Afifa Fathima, Viswanath Gudipati, Gurajala Keerthi, Shaik Sulthana Taz, Pasupula Pavani, Neeluri Pallavi, Chilamakuri Geethanjali
Shaik Afifa Fathima, Viswanath Gudipati, Gurajala Keerthi, Shaik Sulthana Taz, Pasupula Pavani, Neeluri Pallavi, Chilamakuri Geethanjali
Department of Computer Science Engineering, Anantha Lakskmi Institute of Technological Sciences, Anantapur-515001, AP, India.
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Published In:
Volume - 12,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2022
The major goal of this review is to standardise the programming languages that are useful for controlling the behaviour of machines on computers. Syntax and semantic norms are defined in programming languages, just as they are in natural languages. Over a hundred thousand programming languages exist, with new ones appearing every year. Few languages ever gain widespread adoption, yet talented programmers may use dozens of languages over the course of their careers. The authors looked at the most prominent standized programming languages' runtime performance, memory utilisation, applications, and key pros and drawbacks in this review.
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Shaik Afifa Fathima, Viswanath Gudipati, Gurajala Keerthi, Shaik Sulthana Taz, Pasupula Pavani, Neeluri Pallavi, Chilamakuri Geethanjali. An overview of computer programming languages: A fundamental piece of knowledge for humanity. International Journal of Technology. 2022; 12(1):16-0. doi: 10.52711/2231-3915.2022.00003
Shaik Afifa Fathima, Viswanath Gudipati, Gurajala Keerthi, Shaik Sulthana Taz, Pasupula Pavani, Neeluri Pallavi, Chilamakuri Geethanjali. An overview of computer programming languages: A fundamental piece of knowledge for humanity. International Journal of Technology. 2022; 12(1):16-0. doi: 10.52711/2231-3915.2022.00003 Available on:
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